Administrator Guide 2017
Job definition - Triggered update

Triggered status update moves a job to a supplementary status with the job's lifecycle.

Triggered status update


A descriptive text to identify this action

*Text on button

Free text to appear on the button that will trigger this action.

*Apply action to jobs of status
  • Outstanding - a job that has exceeded its completion date
  • Unallocated - a job that has not yet been allocated to a user (eg. engineer, auditor, surveyor)
  • Work complete - a job that has been marked as complete, either manually or automatically (see Template actions)
  • Cancelled/closed - a job that is no longer current
Status to update to

Select the supplementary status to which this job is to be sent by this action.  Supplementary statuses are bespoke items but are likely to be 'awaiting customer response', 'invoiced', 'awaiting payment', 'awaiting parts', 'in transit', etc.

*Trigger delay (days)

How many days that will elapse between the action being activated and the status being updated.  When the delay period is over, the status will be checked to ensure that no other status changes have occurred in the meantime - ie, if the status has already been changed this action will not be implements.

This delay can be very useful as a reminder to (for example) chase up an invoice or follow-up action.

See Also